Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The "Name My Dastardly Villain" Contest: SHORTLIST...

Well, I've finally found some time to write, and I need to pick a name at last. So I've been culling thought the amazing 200+ names people sent me, and I've narrowed the field a bit. Anyone have an opionion? I'm liking:

Jed Scratchett
Duck Barnes
Horace Noosethrottle
Wichita Grim
Benjamin Blackwater
Red Killjoy
Ezra Retch
Hannibal Hogswaller
Cecil Dregroot
Ely Darkwater
Cornelius Crake

Want to place your vote?


Margaret said...

Witchita Grim, definitely, with "Pinkeye" Higgins a close second.

Do you watch Deadwood??? If not, you surely should.

lizzy_lyn said...

Wichita Grim. :)

Sarah Prineas said...

Oh, I'm a sucker for alliteration.

Cornelius Crake.

Unknown said...

i dunno why, but Wichita Grim sends shivers up my spine...

Anonymous said...

Hannibal Hogswaller

Erica Ridley said...

Oooh, Cornelius Crake. My clear favorite. Wichita Grim isn't bad either.

I do like Ezra for a first name and both Hogswaller and Darkwater for last names.

Erica <-- who probably didn't help narrow down the choices any =)

Anonymous said...

I'm partial to Wichita Grim.

Anonymous said...

I was liking Jed Scratchett until I realized that there are parts of the country where plenty of nice boys are named Jed. Now, I'm into Hannibal Hogswaller, which is great for reading out loud.

Amy Guth said...

Jed Scratchett and Ezra Retch get my vote!

Sara said...

I didn't read the comments before I picked my choice, but it's Wichita Grim all the way. Seriously, if you don't use that, you have sign a release saying you relinquish all rights and auction it on ebay.

Sara said...

"have TO sign" of course.